This is wonderful designed cover (as usual he did) Which I received from Mr. Viet Dung. My truth I love and star designing cover for each new publish derived from his as much 😀
Hi Sareendra Kelkar, I can not talk how sad am I when receiving in expected letter which bended MS!!! I unknown who are kind send me letter but please send me better than this and write some words to me to tell me what should I do. Regards, L.
Nice to receive postcard from Mr.Alain Pierron I will try to send more postcard to you as my word wide friends to keep in touch ours friendship. Best Regard !
I had one round exchange for some nice stamps and used full DVD 2004 Michel with Calin Zborovsky from Romania on this 10 Aug. Thank you. I am looking forward to hearing our new exchange. Best regards. Here are his nice envelope